Call 0800 Talk Teeth 0800 825 583

Eligible to Enrol  

Children who are eligible to receive publicly funded health care are entitled to free oral health care until their 18th birthday. For information on eligibility, visit the Ministry of Health's website.

Bee Healthy Regional Dental Service provides free dental care for children from birth to end of intermediate school (Year 8) in the Greater Wellington Region (Wellington, Hutt Valley, Porirua and Kāpiti Coast up to Waikanae). To enrol you child with Bee Healthy, please complete the enrolment form below.

Enrolment can take up to 4 weeks to process. To prevent delays enrolment, please complete the online enrolment form in full, including uploading all the required documents, as outlined below. 

If you need help to complete the online enrolment please call 0800 TALK TEETH (0800 825 583) or email 

For information about free dental care for teenagers (from Year 9 onwards) visit: Dental Care for Teenagers.

If you live in Otaki, please enrol with the Mid-Central dental service by calling 06 350 8619 or emailing If you live in Wairarapa, please enrol here: If you live outside the Greater Wellington Region, click here to find the free dental care provider in your regions.

Bee Healthy Enrolment Form

1. Is your child a New Zealand Citizen? If no, move to question 2.

[_] Yes - Please click here to complete your child's enrolment.

  • 0/500 Words
  • Proof of eligibility

    Please upload ALL the relevant supporting documents as indicated above e.g. birth certificate, passports, certificates, visas, and other documents here. Please ensure that all required documents are provided as we are unable to process your child's enrolment without them.

  • Personal details of your child

  • 0/500 Words
  • Parents or Guardian Contact Details

  • Child's Medical History

  • 0/500 Words
  • Consent

    This consent will remain valid while your child continues to receive dental care provided by Bee Healthy Regional Dental Service on a mobile clinic or at a dental hub. Consent can be withdrawn at any time by contacting Bee Healthy Regional Dental Service: 0800 TALK TEETH (0800 825 583)