Dental care is free* for children from birth until their 18th birthday…That’s something to smile about!
Bee Healthy Regional Dental Service is the community-based dental service providing free (publicly funded) dental care* for children in the Greater Wellington Region (including Wellington, Hutt Valley, Porirua and Kāpiti Coast, up to Waikanae).
*Free dental care does not include accident-related dental issues (covered under ACC), orthodontic treatment, or teeth whitening services.
Most children born in the Greater Wellington Region are enrol at birth with Bee Healthy for free dental care. If your child is not enrolled or your family is new to the Greater Wellington Region, you will need to enrol your child here. If you do not live the Greater Wellington Region, you can find your free local dental care service for under 18s here.
Bee Healthy Regional Dental Service provides children with annual dental examinations from their 2nd birthday onwards.
- Preschool children are seen at their nearest Bee Healthy Dental Hub.
- School aged children receive their examination at school on a mobile van. If treatment is required, parents/caregivers are contacted by the Bee Healthy to make an appointment at their nearest Dental Hub.
Call 0800 TALK TEETH (0800 825 583) to make an appointment for your child, to update your details or make an enquiry. Bee Healthy is open 8am - 4:30pm Monday - Friday, excluding public holidays. For more information about free dental care services for children including eligibility, how to enrol and urgent dental care, visit: Dental Care for Children.
Bee Healthy Regional Dental Service does not provide accident (ACC) related dental care, orthodontic treatment or teeth whitening services. Please contact your local dentist if your child requires these services.
We are experiencing high levels of staff sickness at the moment, which means we may need to cancel and reschedule some dental appointments. If your child’s appointment is affected, we will give you a call (from a private number) the morning of their appointment to let you know, and work with you to reschedule it to another day. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding and patience during this time.
If your child has a non-urgent dental appointment and they are sick or your household is isolating, please call 0800 TALK TEETH (0800 825 583) to let us know and we will reschedule their appointment.
If your child requires urgent (non-accident related) dental care, please call 0800 TALK TEETH (0800 825 583) to discuss your concerns and if needed, we can arrange an appointment to see them. Please also advise us if they are sick or your household is isolating so we can take additional precautions, should they require an appointment.
- Teenagers receive dental care from a dentist in the community from Year 9 who will continue to provide free care* until their 18th birthday, even if you are no longer at school (*excludes accident (ACC) related dental care, orthodontic treatment or teeth whitening services).
For more information about free dental care services for teenagers (from Year 9 onwards until their 18th birthday) and how to enrol, visit: Dental Care for Teenagers.

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