Bee Healthy Regional Dental Service is the community-based dental service for the Wellington Region.
The friendly Bee Healthy team provides support, education and FREE dental care for children from birth till their 18th birthday.

Monday – Friday, 8am – 4.30pm
Free phone
0800 TALK TEETH (825 583).
All calls are free! Please leave a detailed message with your child's name, date of birth and a contact phone number. We will give you a call back from our private number.
Email (non-urgent enquires only)
For urgent matters, please call 0800 TALK TEETH (0800 825 583) and leave a detailed message with your child's name, date of birth and a contact phone number. We will give you a call back from our private number.
Bee Healthy Regional Dental Service
Private Bag, 31907
Lower Hutt, 5040